Wednesday 12 December 2012

Metro 2033 for free!

Hi guys,

it's been a while but the first lets play will be up on youtube tomorrow or maybe even tonight.

Just wanted to let you know that publisher THQ is giving away the PC version of the first person shooter "Metro 2033" for free! All you have to do is like Metro's Fanpage on Facebook.
A creepy shooter placed in the underground metro of Moscow after a nuclear war - based on the bestseller "Metro 2033" by Dmirty Glukhovsky.

And while we are at it - theres a new Metro game on the way.

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Obsessed with Happy Wheels

I'm very busy at the moment but i will probably start doing let's plays for Happy Wheels as soon as i have some free time again.
A hilarious flashgame with countless usergenerated levels.
Super funny and very diverting.

Make sure to check it out till i get some videos up.


Monday 19 November 2012

Project IGI

Oh, the nostalgia

As far as i know it was my very first shooter. This classic from 2000 was something completely new to me; when i saw it for the first time i could not get my eyes off it.
Some of you might say "meh - he didn't start off with half life/doom etc." (and you are right) but the "first time" in gaming is always epic - no matter what you play.

Thanks to some kind of miracle i found the CD while going trough some old stuff. Contrary to my norm, it still worked!

In this post i will show you some of the screenshots i took in the first few missions.

You step into the role of the english special agent David Jones, with the mission to find a russian arms dealer who is believed to be involved in a nuclear warhead theft.

 Mission I

Easy start - infiltrate a base and steal a truck without making to much noise.
Not too difficult in Project IGI - as the A.I. of your enemys lacks pretty much everything.
You can get away with shooting a guard and the one next to him won't do a thing about it.
They don't hear that well either.

But that doesn't mean that you won't die.
Although the A.I. is not programmed that nicely there is another obstacle raising the difficulty.
You can't save your game. So you will have to start the mission again if you die - which will happen several times.
A few hits and you bite the dust.
The enemies might not be very smart but they have some sweet aiming.

Played till mission #7 and i am raging too hard to continue at the moment. If i resume i will keep you guys updated.

Thursday 15 November 2012

Teemo's removal

Unfortunately, the rumors have been proven wrong and Teemo won't be removed from the game in the next big patch.

I made a comic about it anyway to start us off with something random about the game.

New Focus

We will start a  League of Legends section soon.

Check it out for

  • News on Tournaments/Finals/Matches
  • Patch info
  • Misc stuff about the game

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Going Global

Good news!
This blog will be revived in the near future. And because we want to reach out for gamers around the world - all new posts will be in english.

So stay tuned for great things to come!

Monday 23 April 2012

Monkey Island I

Lange ist es her, da saß ich vor dem PC meines Vaters und spielte mit leuchtenden Augen Monkey Island. Heute sitze ich vor meinem eigenen PC, jedoch hat sich eine Sache nicht geändert, ich spiele immernoch Monkey Island und zwar mit größerer Begeisterung als zuvor. Damals wie heute fasziniert mich der einzigartige Humor und das Knobeln. Monkey Island hat einfach alles, den Piraten der Angst vor Papagaien hat, dreiköpfige Riesenaffen, Geisterpiraten und einen amüsanten, leicht überheblichen Helden.


Unser Held ist Guybrush Threepwood, ein mächtiger Pirat, zumindest wäre er das gerne. Anfänglich weder mächtig, noch ein wirklicher Pirat, stolpert Guybrush von einem Fettnäpfchen ins Andere. Auf Mêlée Island lernt Guybrush schräge Figuren kennen, darunter auch die Gouverneurin Elaine Marley, in die Guybrush sich prompt verliebt. Relativ schnell erfahren wir, dass der böse Geisterpirat LeChuck sein unwesen treibt und die ganze Karibik in Angst und Schrecken versetzt. Als LeChuck dann die Gouverneurin entführt, steht unser Feindbild fest. Um Mêlée Island zu verlassen und seiner Liebe hinterher zu jagen, organisiert Guybrush ein Schiff und eine furchtlose Crew.

Monkey Island ist es wert, von jedem gespielt zu werden. Der einzigartige Humor und die liebevolle Gestalltung zeichnen Monkey Island aus. Für die, die ungern auf Pixel klicken, gibt es jetzt die Special Edition, eine  Neuauflage mit verbesserer Grafik. Und wer nach dem ersten Teil noch nicht genug hat, Teil 2 - 5 sind ebenfalls sehr zu empfehlen.